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Dynamic Data Analysis – v5.12.01 - © KAPPA 1988-2017


r 3 – P ressure Transient Analysis (PTA) -


Fig. 3.E.13 – Sensitivity to the Lambda factor


Reporting Guidelines

A typical interpretation report will be split into two components: the ‘mechanical’ part,

basically the result tables and plots generated, directly or indirectly, by the Pressure Transient

Analysis package, and the ‘verbose’ part, where the engineer will report the objectives, the

operations, the interpretation, the confidence one could have on his interpretation, and

possible recommendations for well treatments and/or future tests.

There has never been an industry standard for reporting, except the Canadian EUB format that

is restricted to very basic results. Typically, professional interpretation reports will be

generated with two possible set-ups:

A header document, from a word processor, with some ‘copy-paste’ of plots and results

from the PTA software, but with most of the ‘mechanical’ report delivered as an annex.

An integrated document, typically from a word processor, where some plots and tables are

dynamically connected to the PTA software using some OLE or COM automations. The

advantage of this solution is that it is much more flexible. Once a model template has been

set up the reporting process will get shorter and shorter from one interpretation to the


In any case the engineer must keep in mind that an interpretation is, at best, a best guess at a

given time, and ‘truth’ can evolve with time. The key word here is ‘interpretation’.

‘The reservoir is a circle of radius 4123.93 ft’.

This is probably the worst possible statement we can imagine in PTA. The reservoir is very

unlikely to be an exact circle. What we have in PTA is a range of models that we KNOW to be

over-simplified. We simplify to turn the qualitative into quantitative, and one must always be

factual. Also, the number of significant figures of a result must be reasonable, or at least not

ridiculous. It is not because the nonlinear regression finished at a given number that we must

keep all the significant figures of this number. So a much more reasonable statement would

be: ‘If we consider that the late time behavior is linked to a close system, a reasonable match

was obtained with a circular reservoir with a radius of 4,100 ft.’

‘The more I know about well testing, the more I worry’. H.J. Ramey Jr, 1989