Dynamic Data Analysis – v5.12.01 - © KAPPA 1988-2017
r 2 – T heory- p46/743
Illustrated below is the response with all default parameters constant and a varying net
drained thickness. Values for h are 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 ft.
Storage and IARF: Changing the thickness has a similar effect to changing the permeability
and an effect opposite to changing the viscosity. In other words, the governing group that
defines the early time response, apart from wellbore storage and skin, is kh/
PSS: Unlike permeability and viscosity, the reservoir thickness also has an effect on the late
time material balance calculation. Also, the time at which the derivative deviates from IARF
towards PSS does not change, and therefore the influence of the thickness on the position of
the PSS straight line is similar to the sensitivity to the reservoir porosity or the compressibility.
Fig. 2.H.19 – Effect of the reservoir thickness, loglog plot
Fig. 2.H.20 – Effect of the reservoir thickness, semilog and history plot