Generation 5 (v5.50) Tutorials

These tutorials will guide you step by step through the main features of Emeraude, to perform different types of Cased Hole Logging interpretations:

  • CHLEX01 is an introduction to the basics of the software. It shows how to create a new document, to load, quality control and edit the data, to manipulate the plots and use the document browser tree, to perform an analysis based on conventional tool measurements, and export the results.
  • CHLEX02 describes the workflow to load, quality control and analyze multiple probe tools data. It uses a MAPS™ data set, with SAT™, CAT™ and RAT™ tools.
  • CHLEX03 describes the workflow to load, quality control and analyze multiple probe tools data. It uses a FSI™ data set.
  • CHLEX04 describes the workflow to load, quality control and analyse a dual FAST tool. The appendix details the optical and electrical holdup computation.
  • CHLEX05 presents a typical Multifinger Caliper interpretation workflow to go from raw fingers data to final pipe statistics per joint.
  • CHLEX06 describes the workflow to analyze Noise Logging, starting from the load of the complete job sequence (vs time) down to the creation of the vs depth spectrogram.
  • CHLEX07 presents a typical cement and corrosion evaluation workflow, starting from loading the data in DLIS format, down to the final cement evaluation and pipe joints statistics based on thickness and internal radius measurements.
  • CHLEX08 illustrates the analysis of Pulsed Neutron logs in Sigma (Capture) and Carbon/Oxygen (C/O) Inelastic modes.

Technical documentation