ORCHID Integrated Completion Diagnostics course

  • ORCHID software course designed to assist in optimization decisions on completions typically found in Unconventional Resource plays.
  • Strong practical hands-on emphasis using horizontal multi-frac well data from multiple sources.
  • Immediate return on investment with attendees able to perform load, QAQC and analysis upon completion of the course.

This software course has been designed to teach the practical aspects of multi-source data loading of any type; pressure, microseismic, tracers, well log and fiber data in numeric, array, character, and string formats with simplification to a single unit system and a single frame of reference for depth, time and coordinates allowing diagnostics down to the stage level.

The objective is to arrive at a point where an interactive visual model allows multidisciplinary teams to interact and make informed decisions to improve completion design.

The seamless connection to multiphase numerical modelling in Topaze, constraining the RTA model with real physics completion diagnostics is introduced.

This is a software functionality course. It does not teach the principles and practice of methods such as RTA, DFIT, Tracer, Microseismic etc.

Course programme

Project creation

Initialization, coordinate systems and time zones, data load and navigation tools.

Tracer Data Analysis

Displaying injection and recovered fluid data in the 3D viewer /table to understand the most probable path of chemicals.

Pressure Data Analysis

Understanding time series data, use of derivative data to identify frac hits and first response times. Use of the multitrack editor; first and second derivatives. Data frames, use of primary data; classifying Fracture Driven Interactions (FDIs) and defining their magnitude. Using the leak-off and multi-pick editors.

Microseismic and Fiber Data Analysis

Microseismic data load and grouping, stage data frame, extracting and defining fracture geometry, creating a continuous DAS/DTS DB file, navigating, editing and interpreting fiber data. Visualizing frac hits and stage corridors using the VizBox 2D/3D viewer.


Pulling all the data together using stage-level data fusion of multi-source diagnostics and subsequent visual interpretation in the context of the completion and geological data. Optimising outputs with 2D and 3D display and depth analysis tool. Review of data analytics options (grid, pivot plot). Introduction to using the ORCHID well geometry model to constrain the Topaze RTA model.


All courses are conducted in English unless otherwise notified.
Date Location Instructor Cost

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