Technical references
Black-Oil PVT correlations
- rs : Kleyweg, Ovalle
- Z : Dranchuk, Standing, Beggs & Brill, Hall-Yarborough, Dranchuk & Abou-Kassem, Span-Wagner (CO2), Chung (CO2)
- Viscosity : Lee et al., Carr et al., LBC compositional
- WGR Vap. : Whitson Mohamadi
- Pb & RS : Lasater, Vasquez & Beggs, Standing, Glaso non volatile, Glaso volatile, Lasater-Standing, Petrosky & Farshad, Kuparuk, South brae
- Bo : Standing, Vasquez & Beggs, Glaso, Petrosky & Farshad, Kuparuk, South brae
- Co : Petrosky & Farshad, Vasquez & Beggs
- Viscosity : Beggs & Robinson, Beal, Glaso (dead oil), Kuparuk, Andrade, Petrosky, Bergman-Sutton
- Rsw : Katz, Meehan & Ramey, Spivey, Haas, Culberson & McKetta
- Bw : Meehan & Ramey, Spivey
- Cw : Dodson & Standing, Osif
- Viscosity : Van-Wingen & Frick, Meehan & Ramey, Helmholtz, Matthews & Russel
Equation of State models
- Modified Peng-Robinson with Peneloux volume shift
- SRK with Peneloux volume shift
- Viscosity : LBC (with/without Heavy Oil Correction)
Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) models
- Vertical well : Vogel, Transient, Pseudo steady state, Fetkovich, C&n, Jone, LIT
- Horizontal well : Joshi, Renard, Borisov, Giger, Vlis, Babu and Odeh, Pseudo steady state, Fetkovich, C&n, Jone, LIT
- Fractured well : Pseudo steady state, Fetkovich, C&n, Jone, LIT
Pressure drop correlations
- ABB-deviated : Liquid-Liquid; Empirical; deviated
- Artep : Liquid-Gas; mechanistic; any angle
- Aziz & Govier : Liquid-Gas; mechanistic; vertical
- Baxendell & Thomas : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Beggs & Brill : Liquid-Gas; empirical; any angle
- Brauner : Liquid-Liquid stratified ; Mechanistic ; Deviated
- Chierici et al : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Cornish : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Choquette : Liquid-Liquid; empirical; vertical
- Dukler-Ansari : Liquid-Gas; Mechanistic (Dukler’s flow regime maps); Vertical
- Dukler-Eaton : Liquid-Gas; empirical; horizontal
- Duns & Ros : Liquid-Gas; empirical; vertical
- Fancher & Brown : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Gray : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Griffith et al : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Hagedorn-Brown : Liquid-Gas; empirical; vertical
- Hasan and Kabir : Liquid-Gas; Mechanistic; Deviated
- Kaya et al : Liquid-Gas; mechanistic; any angle
- Mukherjee-Brill : Liquid-Gas; Empirical; Deviated
- Nicolas : Liquid-Liquid; Empirical; deviated
- Orkiszewski : Liquid-Gas; empirical; vertical
- Petalas & Aziz : Liquid-Gas; mechanistic; any angle
- Poetmann & Carpenter : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Reinicke & al : Liquid-Gas ; Empirical ; Vertical
- Stanford : Liquid-Gas & 3-Phase; drift flux; any angle
- Taitel & Dukler : Liquid-Gas; mechanistic; vertical
- Zhang : 3-Phase stratified; mechanistic; deviated
- Artificial lift : ESPs and Gas Lift
- Choke models : API 14B, Sachdeva
KAPPA-Workstation contains an extensive range of well, reservoir and boundary models.
In addition KAPPA-Workstation links dynamically to user built models or to an additional and extensive 'external model' library that is available for download from this website.
Built-in analytical models
Wellbore models
- No storage
- Constant storage
- Changing storage (Fair, Hegeman, Spivey packer, Spivey fissures)
- Time dependent
Well models
- Finite radius
- Fracture - uniform flux
- Fracture - infinite conductivity
- Fracture - finite conductivity
- Horizontal
- Limited entry
- Slanted fully penetrating
- Slanted partially penetrating
- Multi-fractured horizontal : Simple; SRVB; Trilinear; Conjugate Fractures; Complex (including Fractal)
- Multilateral
- Time dependent
Skin models
- Constant
- Rate dependant
- Time dependant
Reservoir models
- Homogeneous
- 2-porosity P.S.S.
- 2-porosity transient sphere
- 2-porosity transient slab
- 2-layer with X-flow
- Radial composite
- Linear composite
- Multi-linear composite
- Horizontal anisotropy
Boundary models
- Infinite
- Single sealing fault
- Single constant pressure fault
- Leaky fault
- Closed circle
- Constant pressure circle
- 2 parallel faults (sealing or constant pressure)
- 2 intersecting faults with any angle (sealing or constant pressure)
- Rectangle, with no flow, constant pressure or no flow boundaries
- Composite rectangle
- Multi-linear composite rectangle
- Commingled production (with or without reservoir cross flow)
- Layered pi
- Flow behind casing
- Multilayer with transient crossflow
- Multilayer with pseudo steady state crossflow
Formation Testers
- Single probe (Circular, Oval) with Anisotropy, Deviation
- Dual Packer with Anisotropy, Deviation
- n-Probe (Dual Probe, 3D Radial (Saturn®)) with Anisotropy, Deviation
- Packer-probe interference with storage and Skin
- Probe-probe interference (0, 90, 180 °) with storage and Skin
- n-Probe- probe interference (0, 90, 180 °) with storage and Skin
- Multiprobe interference in multi-layer reservoirs (no orientation)
Proxy models
- Fractured Horizontal well with anomalous diffusion
- Multi-zone fractional dimension model
Well to Well Interference models
- Line source wells in homogeneous / dual porosity reservoirs, with / without boundaries
- Vertical wells in homogenous / dual porosity reservoirs, with / without boundaries
- Vertical wells in infinite dual permeability reservoirs
- Vertical wells in multilayer reservoirs (PSS crossflow), with / without boundaries
- Slanted wells in homogeneous reservoirs, with / without boundaries
- Limited entry wells in infinite multilayer reservoirs with transient crossflow
- Horizontal wells in infinite multilayer reservoirs with transient crossflow
External analytical models
Well Behavior
- Horizontal well with finite conductivity
- Radial composite fracture (with fracture extending beyond the composite zone)
- Horizontal Fracture
- Multi-lateral horizontal well
- Multi-segmented well
- Slanted well in multi-layer reservoir
- Generalized Multi-Linear MFHW
- Fractured Elliptical Composite well
- Fishbone horizontal well
Reservoir Behavior
- 2-layers with X-flow & radial composite
- 2-layers with X-flow & 2-porosity
- 2-porosity & radial composite
- 2-porosity with Skin at matrix blocks
- 3-porosity (1 fissure and 2 matrices)
- 3-layers & 4-layers with X-flow
- Triple porosity + double permeability model
- Triple porosity and limited entry flow model
- Fractal reservoir
- 3 & 4 zones radial composite, infinite or closed circle
- Injection FallOff Model (single & dual porosity, polymer injection)
Boundary Behavior
- 4-layers with X-flow in closed system
- Conductive fault
- Reservoir pinchout
- Partially Sealing Fault with changing thickness
- Partially Sealing Fault & Dual Porosity
- Interference close to a sealing fault
Built-in numerical models
Reservoir geometry and properties
- User defined reservoir contour in the X-Y plane
- Single or multilayer reservoir
- Any contour segment sealed, constant pressure or connected to an aquifer
- Faults with individual leakage factor; Conductive faults; Faults with throws
- Aquifer models: Carter-Tracy, Fetkovich, Pot, Shiltius, Numerical
- True double-porosity model (duplication of grids)
- Composite regions with associated diffusivity, storativity & individual double-porosity models
- Horizontal & vertical anisotropy
- Varying thickness, porosity, permeability and NTG fields
- Initialize model using a geomodeler grid (GRDECL or CMG)
- Upscale grid using power law or permeameter upscaling
- Discrete Fracture Network: load via external file; Stochastic distribution with possibility to constrain to µ-seismic events
Reservoir Modeling
- Multilayer
- Real gas diffusion
- Non-Darcy flow for gas
- Gas desorption (with or without diffusion)
- Hysteresis on Kr and Pc curves
- Pc definition using J-Function
- Unconsolidation in fractures and/or matrix
- Different KrPc in fractures and/or matrix
- Thermal single phase & multiphase modeling
- 2D Thermal transient proxy model (Rubis)
Well types and options
- Vertical well, fully or partially perforated
- Slanted well, fully or partially penetrating
- Fractured vertical well with finite & infinite conductivity fractures, including limited entry fracture and different fracture properties in different layers
- Horizontal well
Factured horizontal well: Simple; Complex (including Fractal)
- Import fracture geometry and properties from external packages
- Define fracture geometry using µ-seismic events
- Stimulated zone around fractures
- Flowback modeling
- Refrac and Infill modeling
- Complex well trajectory
- Multilateral well
- Numerical Proxy Models: SRVB; Trilinear; Numerical Butterfly
- Inflow Control Devices for non-fractured wells
- Well - Fault intersection
- Changing wellbore storage
- Time-dependent & rate-dependent Skin
- Well intake definition: Built-in or external lift curves; Tubing or Annular flow; Electical Submersible Pumps (ESPs); Gas Lift; Coal Seam Gas (CSG) intake model; Time dependent intake
Formation Testers
- 3D Wellbore as no-flow boundary
- Single phase
- Single and n-layer
- Multiprobe
- Single phase, 2-phase WO, WG or OG; 3-phase WOG
- Black Oil or Compositional PVT (including Confined PVT)
- Optimal upscaling
- Generalized Transmissibility Correction