PTA Quiz

The following self-assessment test is to help you decide which course is best suited to you; PTA/RTA Week 1 or PTA/RTA Week 2.

1. A correctly designed test should:
Three answers

2. Before starting any analysis it is essential to:
Two answers

3. The governing conditions for the diffusivity equation are:
Three answers

4. The parameters influencing the permeability calculation are:
Two answers

5. In the Darcy’s Law equation Delta p = q.B.µ/A.k . The variables are:
Check the corresponding cell

  Viscosity Pressure drop Area of flow Permeability Rate Volume factor
Delta p

6. The skin factor can influenced by:
Three answers

7. A back pressure test, or flow after-flow test, is:
Two answers

8. An isochronal test is:
Two answers

9. A modified isochronal test is:
One answer

10. The objectives of a Well Test can be:
Four answers

11. The objectives of Gas Transient Test Analysis can be to evaluate:
Four answers

12. Characteristics of constant wellbore storage effect include:
Two answers

13. Wellbore Storage in a gas well is:
Four answers

14. Based on the following skin values, what is your diagnosis?

Skin value Fractured well Acidized well Damaged well

15. Which two are the most suitable diagnostic for analysis of a build-up after multiple rate flow periods?
Two answers

16. What are the characteristics of Infinite Acting Radial Flow in a drawdown:
Two answers

17. What is the characteristic of Infinite Acting Radial Flow in a build-up:
One answer

18. What are the characteristics of linear flow
Two answers

19. A Horner analysis is strictly valid
One answer

20. From the Horner plot straight line drawn through IARF it is possible to extract the:
Three answers

21. What is the effect of a single sealing fault:
Two answers

22. The AOF is the:
One answer

23. In a fractured well which of the following flow regimes can be observed?
Four answers

24. In a horizontal well the first derivative stabilization corresponds to:
One answer

25. On the following log-log plot identify the lines:

Line one
Line two
Line three